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The Morning of the Surprise Visit

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The Morning of the Surprise Visit Empty The Morning of the Surprise Visit

Post by Cad Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:13 am

((Found on fb Messenger so yeah formatting ugh))

//Eventually, we need to start dating these but anyway, about 0730 am//

Chris: -he has literally come straight from the ten hour trip after a month away, so he's still in uniform and thus, because its him, Riddick doesn't do more than utter a peep of a friendly growl when the door cracks open and a blonde, scruffy and tired looking face pokes around and grins at him. And it's not that Chris doesn't love his family beyond measure, but by this time of day, Brax will be headed to preschool, and he just wants a couple of hours to himself - and with his sister - to recharge and reorient his mind to normal life, just enough so he can be good with his family -- whispers- Hey buddy. -to the dog, cocking an ear at the shower running and knowing by the time of day that of course Eli would be there, before spreading himself out on the couch in front of the coffee table, the various accoutrements still attached to his uniform clinking and rasping softly as he closes his eyes with a soft sigh-

Jack: Not having any hair to wash, the business part of the shower was done fairly quickly, but he stood there for a while just sort of soaking in the feel of the water falling over him. He didn't want to use up the warmth of it, however, and so the water was soon turned off and he was drying off. After a bit of an inspection in the mirror, he slipped into a pair of pajama pants he'd had the mind to bring, this time, and opened the door. He was walking toward the kitchen, hand rubbing his scalp, when his peripheral vision caught sight of something that wasn't normally there. Adrenaline spiked and he turned fully toward the intruder on the couch, right hand instinctively going toward his left shoulder for the gun that usually hung there, closed on nothing, then went to his hip before his brain finally caught up and told him he wasn't wearing either of them...because...y'know...shower...and other naked things.

Chris: -THAT is definitely not his sister, and unlike Jack, he has his gun up and trained on him despite the sort of futility that could have been from lying in the position he is. not that you'd know he's vulnerable, that baby face made all Torreto in the way those eyes narrow just so, only blue instead, as they fix on the threat in their environment-

Riddick: -muffled woof, but then he slinks off to the bedroom, Chris's gaze only flickering to follow him briefly before training back on the big guy...seriously, BIG GUY-

Jack: Stands stock still, hands by his sides in fists for lack of anything else to grab, eyes narrowing right back at the other and taking stock of his regalia and features. There was something familiar about the man, even though he was 100% certain he had never seen him before. And then there was the fact Riddick hadn't torn him to shreds. Eyes narrow further, though more in thought, and his head tilts in that searching way. Who might you be?

Chris: -drawls, the appearance of casual confidence- I'd ask you the same question, big guy. But the uniform might clue you in. -mocking teasing whisper, EXACTLY like Eli's- Do I need to use my Soldier Fu?

Jack: Neck straightens and brows furrow into a light glare The fact you are a soldier does not automatically make you a good person...However his body relaxes visibly, though not entirely, forcing his fists to open again as he stares down the hall in the direction the four-legged-one wandered based off of the reactions of some I take it you're the "surprise guest" she had mentioned. He turns and moves into the kitchen to continue with what it was he had been doing (namely getting a glass of orange juice), though not without keeping the man in his vision and listening for any movement he might make

Chris: -drawls- No, but the fact that you're in the same house as my sister is grounds enough to shoot you, and as my living is made from gouging a situation, big guy, I'd not be being a smartarse preaching the status quo about soldiers to her kid brother...that being said, being what my sister is, she'd probably kick your arse for it without my help.

Jack: Replaces the juice in the fridge and leans back against the counter to take a sip from his glass while the man spoke, giving a grunt when he was finished saying his piece So you're her brother.

Chris: -flaps hand in a brilliant paradigm of the gay men he no doubt works with briefly- It's the dazzling resemblance. But go on, do go -on- about soldiers not being nice guys etc etc. -sits up, propping chin on hands and widening his eyes like he's eager for a story. In reality, he's already a little pissed off, because when you're military that shit is ALL you hear-

Jack: Mostly flat look, though those brows raise slightly. Yup, they were related, alright Any title does not guarantee character or morals. What's more, you let yourself in without warning and I, never having seen your likeness before, was not going to assume simply on dress what your motives were.

Chris: -the eyebrow raise is minute perfection in it's copy to the letter -- calls- Yo, Bethy, you've stepped up in the world. I didn't realise you'd successfully managed to seduce a priest. He's a right preachy bastard.

Eli: -she's really trying not to laugh, though she's spent the last few minutes hiding behind her door and sort of cringing and hoping her brother's good nature will override his protective streak. She can trust that more than Jack's pride, she knows that much -- weary sigh as she shakes her bangs out with her fingers, finally showing up, the coward- And I'll bet you've done nothing but taunt him for the last five minutes, haven't you.

Chris: -his response is a smile curiously both raffish and angelic, though it's undeniable how genuinely he brightens when she bends to hug him, and he leans back to rub his scratchy cheek against hers-

Jack: Brows furrow briefly at the "preachy" bit, but then Eli has come into view and he watches her. He finds himself stiffening again as they embrace and forces out a breath as he lifts his glass for another drink.

Eli: -she's aware he's there, but kind of bugger him for a moment because she can feel the weariness and understand it, that her brother is hiding- How did it go?

Chris: As well as a typhoon ripping through the Philippines again can go, I guess. -chuckles playfully when she pulls away from his scratchy, stubbly cheek, knowing her hate of scratchy and stubbly, though it's followed up when he gets a proper hug- And if I had knocked, Bethy, it would have been -your- gun at my head.

Eli: ...this is true.

Jack: continues to sip on his orange juice, watching the two. He was still a little irritated at Chris, but curiosity about their interactions was slowly overcoming that.

Eli: -shakes her head at him, even as it's obvious from the upcurl of she's genuinely happy to see him- Stop stirring. No, go on. Get. Shower's free.

Chris: -mock resigned sigh before obeying quite cheerfully, starting to divest himself of his various attachments until he's down to his undershirt and his cam pants, the former of which is tossed at his sister's head playfully. He's never been as reserved as her in company, and has no qualms being himself even with eyes scrutinising them, merely scratching idly at the tattoo on his rib cage- ...oh! Got something for you, too. Guy who helped run the last operation over there...he remembers you from when you were on the Fitzgerald. -waves idly at his bag before wandering to her room so he can get to the shower, though he pauses before closing the door, calling back- ...do I need to be warned of anything?

Eli: ...not the bedroom, no. -picking up his discarded uniform-

Chris: -relieved exhale-

Eli: ...not sure about the bathroom, though. >3

Chris: -pitched disgusted noise, groaning grossed out like a little boy before slamming the door to his sister's wicked drawling chuckle-

Jack: There's a light smile that forms as he watches the two. Even though he had previously thought her partner had been her brother, it was a little strange to think that she had siblings, for some reason. However, seeing her and her brother interact it was very fitting, indeed. Eyes focused on nothing, for a moment, an oddly sad and somewhat longing look crossed his features.

Eli: -she brings him back, with a slightly not gentle jab to the ribs as she passes by to get to her coffee- Please don't have a go at my baby brother with that whole "uniform doesn't mean jack" political correctness garbage. Not now when he's just gotten back from the Philippines. Or ever. -her eyes don't narrow much, but the look in their night-dark depths says enough -- she's not joking even as she's a little amused-

Jack: Flinches back to reality with the jab to his ribs, studying her for a moment as he considers her words before giving a nod and affirmative grunt.

Eli: -almost sweetly- I didn't hear that.

Jack: eyes narrow in a light glare. She damn well heard him...but even so I won't.

Eli: Good boy. :3 -she lets it go, or at least seems to, as quickly, even gracing him with a kiss, both palms on either side of his face-

Jack: That glare hardens and his jaw clenches, returning the kiss stiffly. 'good boy' as if he were the gorram dog...

Eli: -she'll melt him if it kills her, her thumbs caressing his cheekbones just for a start-

Jack: seems not to be working, so far. That same unhappy expression staring back at her unwavering.

Eli: -she resists sighing. Honestly, she hasn't picked up on what she's done wrong, but she's trying surprisingly hard to dispel it - grouses- Oh, stop bloody sulking, please. -when she breaks the kiss, then she nips at his nose lightly-

Jack: Sulking? He was not sulking...even so, that nip seems to have at least some effect and he gives a huff, body relaxing again

Eli: -that's better. Not perfect, but better, and she even hugs him, snugly about the waist and with her head under his chin- Just don't start on my brother again, please...and before you pull the paranoid card...think of the dog, if nothing else. The dog wouldn't just let anyone in.

Jack: Sets down his drink and wraps his arms around her shoulders, giving a light sigh and his body relaxing further I realize. And it was a consideration. But I'm sure you are familiar with how instinct can be... but no, I won't get into that again.

Eli: -ponders- I suppose I'm just used to it. Not enough to be blaise, but not enough to be paranoid either. -though whether it's her brother or the idea of crime period or something else, it's hard to tell-

Jack: nods Not having a pet at home, I'm not used to automatically looking to them for support.

Eli: -she doesn't miss, honestly, that's he's been so willing to circumvent a potential argument, and the sad thing is that in her world in a lot of ways, it stands out. But she doesn't comment despite wanting to, just sighing and letting her shoulders droop a little and just, you know, enjoy the cuddle and the smell of him-

Eli: -dryly- Work. Whatever you do is up to you...but you're welcome to stay a bit after I'm gone, if you promise not to break anything. Chris is pretty predictable after any deployment; he's going to sleep and play the Wii until his clothes are washed and Brax is finished at preschool.

Jack: nods and hums, considering

Eli: -mouth twitch at the noise, letting go and leaving him with an amiable smack to his broad chest before she proceeds to pick up Chris's discarded uniform with no fussing, so she can put it in the washing machine -- calls as she passes the bathroom- Your boots and your belt are tucked up under the couch. Don't leave them lying around, you git.

Chris: Your new conditioner smells like apple and this is awesoooome. -chuckles happily when he hears her exasperated growl in response-

Jack: twitches slightly with the smack, rubbing at the spot as she walked away


Posts : 38
Join date : 2015-10-19

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